Thursday, May 27, 2010

A bed of roses...

Walking around downtown, you can't help but notice the fragrance at this time of year. A short investigation leads to roses, several kinds, in wide triangular beds at corners and other spots. A query to the City, in whose planters they reside, tells us that the are two hardy varieties: Charles Albanel (Rugosa) Medium Red, and George Vancouver (Complex) Medium Red.

Charles Albanel is a recurrent blooming rose (OK, I know that sounds funny), released by the Ottawa Research Station in 1982, according to the Bailey's Nursery. George Vancouver is also recurrent. They are both hardy ("4 out of 5" winters in St. Paul, MN.)

So, take a moment to smell the proverbial roses.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Check out KCRG's "Best Museum" - our own Museum of Natural History!

Our own University of Iowa's Museum of Natural History was recently voted the area's "Best Museum" on the KCRG A-list poll. That's not the only landmark for this wonderful and little-known gem on the UI Pentacrest in the heart of downtown Iowa City. The Museum recently celebrated twin anniversaries: the 150th anniversary of its founding, as well as the 25th Anniversaries of Iowa Hall and Rusty, the Giant Sloth. The museum store is a rich treasure trove of educational toys for kids of all ages. Not to be missed is the video thank-you card from children in honor of Rusty the Giant Sloth's 25th birthday.

Did you know? This Rusty the Giant Sloth is handmade from a wood and styrofoam armature plus hand sewn cow hair. Recent archaeological finds have unearthed more sloth bones in western Iowa. This finding is documented in the current exhibition at the Museum.

The Museum occupies several floors in Macbride Hall and was the first Natural History Museum west of the Mississippi. The University also houses the oldest Museum Studies program in the nation, founded in 1910. Children will love Bird Hall and also, the many mammal, geological and Native American displays. Iowa Hall has many favorites for adults and children alike, and families can download a family guide  to the museum, with coloring book features.

At a recent panel discussion featuring many of the original movers and shakers behind the Iowa Hall concept, it was apparent how important this concept is to our state's identity. Also obvious is the enormous amount of work, dedication and collaboration on the part of this pivotal group.

Currently on display, through August 1st, are two special exhibitions: Mysteries in the Valley of the Sloths, and "The U of I Through the Lens of Fred W. Kent." These are in addition to the ongoing displays. Summer hours are Tuesday through Saturday: 10am- 5pm; Sunday: 1 - 5pm. View more details about these exhibits here.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


This is THE time of year for downtown Iowa City. Teaming with events, cloaked in the loveliness of a Midwestern spring, and full of life as families and students emerge from winter hibernation, it can be hard to keep up with all the stimulation. Perfect time to start a blog and spread the word.

Look for informational updates on events. Learn the life stories of our  multi-generational independent businesses or those that have just begun. Read about the quirky history of downtown Iowa City. Check out a walking tour.

Several people will be contributing to this blog. Let us know if you have an interesting story idea or photos to share. We look forward to seeing you again!